Monday, October 26, 2009

Acid Test - NRDC Movie w/ Sigourney Weaver

Watch this movie, it's only 20 minutes long, and is worth watching just to hear Sigourney's dulcet tones, and inimitable style - oh, and there's also some real science in it too, that could mean the difference between life as we know it, and something very different.

National Coalition of Reason (COR)

The mission of the United Coalition of Reason is to raise the visibility and sense of unity among local groups in the community of reason, to create a national dialogue on the role of nontheists in American society, and to improve the way that nontheists are perceived by average Americans.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Richard Dawkins Website

All things Dawkins, including his new book "The Greatest Show on Earth - The Evidence for Evolution", and other science-related and atheist-positive material for the thinking human of the modern epoch.

Understanding Evolution - UC Berkeley Website

"Your one-stop source for information on evolution" - Lesson plans, various topics; history, evidence, how it works, etc.

Evolution on

A collection of videos, tools for teachers and students, and various topics from Darwin to religion; and the complete NOVA documentary "Judgement Day" which is based on the landmark 2004 court case "Kitzmiller v. Dover School District", in which the teaching of Intelligent Design was shot down by a Federal Judge.

The Scripture Project

Scripture Project Mission
Steve Wells, creator of the Skeptics Annotated Bible, Qur’an, and Book of Mormon has generously donated the full contents of his website to the Reason Project. Using this as a foundation, we intend to make the Scripture Project the best source for scriptural criticism on the Internet.